최근 AI 분야에서 있었던 여러 변화들을 분석한 리포트인 State of AI Report 2020입니다. 이 보고서는 AI 투자자 Nathan Benaich 와 Ian Hogarth가 매년 작성하고 있으며 올해가 3년째입니다. 아래와 같은 다섯 가지 방향으로 분석을 했습니다:
- Research: Technology breakthroughs and capabilities.
- Talent: Supply, demand and concentration of AI talent.
- Industry: Areas of commercial application for AI and its business impact.
- Politics: Regulation of AI, its economic implications and the emerging geopolitics of AI.
- Predictions: What we believe will happen and a performance review to keep us honest.
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State of AI Report 2020
A Report on artificial intelligence research, talent, politics, industry, startups, and China.