Smilegate.AI's facebook page has been opened. On this homepage, we will mainly share technical and professional contents, while on our facebook page, we will introduce small talks about the center news, research process, and life. For example, the latest post is about the training day for new hires.
Today is a depressing day.
This is because it is the'Education Day for New Employees'.
As I quietly close my eyes, the faces of the center newbies are blooming..I miss you..
AI Center is a warm organization
Most of them are made up of new hires. (Currently hiring!!)
Smilegate has been conducting various education online since last March, when the social distancing policy was implemented due to the spread of Corona 19.
To briefly introduce training for new hires,
1) A large courier box comes home. (Something different from the welcome kit arrived!)
2) Among the components, turn on the colorful lights that will dazzle me.
3) Take training according to the curriculum of the human resource development team. Because it is a game company, not only the training course but also the in-house events are very colorful and really fun!
If you are interested in what is happening at Smilegate.AI, please visit it.