Metaverse, which means all forms of interaction between reality and connected avatars within a virtual environment, has recently attracted attention from various industries. In particular, the global non-face-to-face environment started with Corona 19 is rapidly increasing the demand for metaverse.
SPRi (Software Policy Research Institute) created and released a metaverse report titled “Log In Metaverse: Human×Space×Time Revolution”.
The report contains a variety of metaverse-related topics, and it will be a reference to the IT industry, the content business industry, and the game industry. The main contents of the report are as follows.
Ⅰ. Metaverse attracting attention
Ⅱ. Why Metaverse Revolution?
1. Convenience, interaction, and scalability aspects
2. Technical aspects: metaverse and general-purpose technology
3. Economic Aspect: Metaverse and Virtual Convergence Economy
III. Metaverse preparing for an emergency
1. Metaverse platform
2. Metaverse technology innovation
3. Metaverse investment
IV. Prepare for the metaverse era
Meanwhile, according to an article in Sisa Journal, the metaverse market is expected to reach $315B in 2035. Currently, entertainment companies such as Big Hit and SM, as well as communication companies such as LG U+, are very interested in Metaverse, and many game companies are preparing services based on Metaverse. Here are links to related articles: