VisualCode DensePhrases-Near Real Time Wikipedia Open Domain Q&A

MeInGame-Create 3D models from photos

The technology to create 3D models from a single photo has been unveiled under the name MeInGame. Looking at the results uploaded to the public repository, it is not yet enough to be applied to the service without the designer's work, but it will significantly reduce the initial modeling effort…

InteractionCode DensePhrases-Near Real Time Wikipedia Open Domain Q&A

DeBERTa: surpass human performance in SuperGLUE

SuperGLUE is a challenge that evaluates the performance of AI technologies for a variety of natural language understanding tasks. It is characterized by consisting of tasks with relatively high difficulty compared to the existing GLUE, and the DeBERTa model recently announced by Microsoft achieved SOTA (state-of-the-arts) and evaluated...