VisualInteraction OpenAI DALL-E: Creating images from text

OpenAI DALL-E: Creating images from text

DALL-E, released by OpenAI, is a technology that generates images from natural language text. Previously, there were technologies for the same purpose, such as StackGAN and OP-GAN, but DALL-E has the advantage that the quality of the final result is remarkably excellent because it is made based on GPT-3, a super-scale language model.

InteractionCode OpenAI DALL-E: Creating images from text

DeBERTa: surpass human performance in SuperGLUE

SuperGLUE is a challenge that evaluates the performance of AI technologies for a variety of natural language understanding tasks. It is characterized by consisting of tasks with relatively high difficulty compared to the existing GLUE, and the DeBERTa model recently announced by Microsoft achieved SOTA (state-of-the-arts) and evaluated...

InteractionData OpenAI DALL-E: Creating images from text

Korean profanity text dataset

We share a set of Korean profanity data collected and labeled by Joonhee Jo. It is gathered from multiple communities, and seems to be suitable for evaluation of real-world data. Below is a description of the data set: The Data Description statement is classified as swearword...

InteractionTrend OpenAI DALL-E: Creating images from text

Can BERTology understand language?

The large-scale language model based on deep learning represented by BERT shows excellent performance in various tasks related to natural language such as Q&A, document summarization, document generation, and conversation. In particular, the recently appeared GPT-3 is an artificial general intelligence (AGI)...