NLPTrend Deep learning? Optimized learning!

Deep learning? Optimized learning!

[선행연구팀 김성현] 자연어처리 분야에서 pre-trained language model (PLM) 전략이 훌륭한 성공을 거두자, 더 많은 데이터를 이용해 더 큰 PLM을 개발하는 것이 하나의 트랜드로 자리잡았습니다.그리고 얼마 전, NVIDIA에서는 GPT-3의 무려 4배…

Trend Deep learning? Optimized learning!

Chatbot’s troubles

[서비스개발팀 한현준] 챗봇의 고민 OpenAI의 GPT-3, Google의 Meena, Facebook의 Blender 등 대형 자연어 처리 AI 모델은 인간의 언어를 실제 사람과 구별하기 힘들 정도로 모방했습니다. 그 기반엔 대형 웹사이트를 크롤링한 방대한…

Trend Deep learning? Optimized learning!

현자의 돌

[융합연구팀 김무성] 최근 스탠포드의 연구자들이 “On the Opportunities and Risks of Foundation Models”라는 논문을 냈습니다 [1]. 여기서 Foundation Model이란 GPT-3와 같은 대규모 데이터로 사전학습된, 전이학습이 일어나는 딥러닝 모델을 말합니다. 자연어처리…

Trend Deep learning? Optimized learning!

Gathering Strength, Gathering Storms

[Service Development Team Cho Ye-ji] Dr. Eric Horvitz, former president of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), an association that researches artificial intelligence in the United States, and computer scientists at Stanford University are studying the influence of artificial intelligence in the second half of 2014. AI100(One…

InteractionTrend Deep learning? Optimized learning!

Instruction tuning – FLAN

[Convergence Research Team Hongmae Shim] If we were to pick the top 10 keywords for 2020 in the field of NLP, of course it would be in the GPT-3 (Language Models are Few shot Learners) ranking. To this day, the enormous amount of parameters and excellent performance of GPT-3 is still in the field of NLP…

Trend Deep learning? Optimized learning!

truck platooning

[Service Development Team Lee Hyeon-jeong] The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport held a presentation on the final outcome of the development of truck platooning technology on the 9th. The contents of the presentation include an overall description of platooning technology, V2X-based platooning vehicle control technology, mobile app-based platooning service technology, and platooning commercialization…

VisualSpeechTrend Deep learning? Optimized learning!

Virtual Influencer Trend

[Service Development Team, Eunji Kwon] The dictionary definition of an influencer is a person who influences others. With the development of today's one-man media channels, anyone can become a creator and rise to so-called stardom by uploading interesting content. With friendliness…